Preliminary Race Schedule 2015

Black Cat 20 miler March 2015
Boston Marathon April 2015
JCC sprint tri May 2015
B2B bike race/ride June 2015

? Musselman July or Lowell Olympic
? challenge Maine olympic in august
sprint or half September

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Whats in your purse today?

Ok, in my purse I have:

1. my 2011 calendar book that contains all my mail, important papers, kids immunization shit, stickies, you name I have it in my book.

2. car keys

3. tape ( don't ask)

4. mouth wash ( free sample at last hotel I stayed at, just didn't take it out) sons football glove and mouth guard ( it now has sand in it, again don't ask)

6.stretchy band for resistance training

7. powerbar gel chocholate and caffe late

8. motrin bottle

9. Synthroid medication

10. 4 pens

11. Hammer nutrition small bottle with 2 salt tabs in it from IM syracuse ( seriously)

12.chicken bone from my sons dinner tonight ( so gross, he threw it in my purse, really)

13.daughters broken glasses

14. wallet with change and credit cards

15. hair bands

16. garmin watch and heart rate strap

17. receipt from Shaws supermarket

18. The Son of Neptune ( my son's book that I'm currently reading)

ok, really, I knew my purse was heavy but there was no reason for me to have all this shit in my purse.

What do you have in your purse?

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