Preliminary Race Schedule 2015

Black Cat 20 miler March 2015
Boston Marathon April 2015
JCC sprint tri May 2015
B2B bike race/ride June 2015

? Musselman July or Lowell Olympic
? challenge Maine olympic in august
sprint or half September

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Witness to a Drunk Driving Accident......

Around 8pm tonight I was driving home from Shaw's ( because my daughter wanted cheese sticks and carrots for her class snack tomorrow) and as I was driving down Brimble Ave in Beverly the car right in front of me was swerving a bit, a few times the car hit the snow on the right and then corrected itself and then it almost crossed over the midline. I slowed down a bit because I figured whoever was driving was probably a bit intoxicated, ~ 3 seconds later the car started to speed up and it took out a large blinking speed sign on the right hand side of the road, did a 360 in the middle of the road and skidded into someones driveway. I immediately pulled over and started running to the car to make sure the person was okay, as I was approaching the car I noticed it was a woman with blondish/brown hair, shoulder length in a dark blue jeep cherokee and she started to back up. I was trying to wave to her but she put her foot on the gas and started to take off. I started running after the car to get the license plate, which I did ( that son of a $#%&*) and she continued to drive away. I ran back to my car to get my phone and proceeded to call the cops. At this time my legs are shaking and I can't believe this very drunk person is still driving and she took off from the scene of this pretty big accident. I gave the police the license plate number and the description of the driver and where she was heading and they told me to wait there until someone got there so I could give them my statement.

Thank goodness a neighbor came out who is a beverly fireman who helped keep me calm and was able to help when the cops came. No-one else stopped ( and there were plenty of cars that could of and that witnessed what happened) I was so pissed. I just want this woman caught and her drivers license taken away. Not only could she kill herself but someone else tonight and maybe another time in the future if she doesn't get caught. At least the cops know who the car is registered to and knows her address so if she doesn't end up dead before heading home they will get her there.

I'm at home now and looking at my kids and so blessed they didn't witness it and I'm so blessed I wasn't involved in that accident.



  1. Unbelievable how irresponsible some people are not only with their own lives but with other peoples. Good for you Donna doing the right thing and I am glad that you where not hurt in the process.

  2. oh wow... I might've been too shaken to help as you did! Whenever I see someone driving erratically like that I just get as far away from them as I can... scary stuff. Hope the police are able to find her...

  3. They did indeed catch her, I called last night, she was sobering up in the jail cell. They said she barely knew her name. Pisses me off but at least she didn't kill herself or anyone else. Lets just hope she doesn't drive anytime soon, just because you take away someones license it doesn't mean they don't drive.
