So on Sara's recommendation I went to go see, Darcy Gillbo, LCMT from the Integrative Muscular Therapy Center in Marblehead for some deep tissue massage and well it wasn't so bad. I think with the work Sara has been doing it wasn't too terrible for my 1st deep tissue massage. I feel so much better, my gait is better, I'm not having radiating pain down my middle thigh, its been two years since I've been able to ride in my car without having to lift my ass off the seat because its uncomfortable, chronic aches and pains suck and I'm finally getting to the root of it and its working.
I left a message for Sara today almost in tears because I was so happy that things are going in the right direction, its been so long since I've felt normal, I've just worked out and figured this is what I have to live with and I wasn't going to stop working out so thats what it was. WELL, NOT SO, my life will be different from now on and hopefully over the next few weeks with seeing Sara and Darcy and doing my strengthening exercises I will get stronger and have no pain. Their is a light at the end of the tunnel and its called, NO PAIN, and I'm looking forward to it.
What great news Donna. I am so glad to hear that you didn't hate the deep tissue massage. Just think about how fast you are going to be now, pain free!!!!